As I trotted up the steps I felt excited but a teeny bit scared. It was my first time jumping off the huge board!My first step ... aah aah! as I splashed into the water."That was not too bad," I thought.Here we go again! Splashing off the highest board like I am on a trampoline at the top of the world. Into the water ... splat! It was not a pretty sight. My legs hurt so badly as I landed on them first. After a second in the water it wore and I felt proud.For the second one. I did the gangnam style. Throwing my hand in the air and putting my other one in front and down by my waist.
Here I go again ... splashing off the diving board.
Going up the steps for the third time I thought to myself, "How about one more." But I did two more!!!
Suddenly, on my fifth jump ... I got bored. So I went to the little one.
"Run up," I said. So I did a run up and bombed in splashing off the little diving board.
"Time to get out," our swimming instructor said.
I felt disappointed because it was the end of the day.